Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hard break up

For the past couple of weeks I watched someone go through something very similar to me.. They broke up with a person the really liked. They posted constantly on  every post of that person.. Broke down in person and begged for them back. and just felt terrible in general. Seeming with little or no self control on trying to keep himself together or Trying to protect the person they cared for.  I very well understand that it is a har struggle. Accepting that they may be better off without you. That they were not happy with you, and  that everything that you did for them may have been forgotten or abandoned. But.... It seems i handled it much better... I forced myself to avoid talking to them.. even though it hurt very much.. I had to keep myself from begging and keep myself from making her life a bigger mess my confusing her.. It got so hard not to txt her that i changed her Contact  name to "Don't text" or "One week" as in wait at least one week before texting her..  It was a huge struggle but i did it.. and it made me think.... Am i really  that strong? or is he that weak? or does he even consider her side of it instead of focusing on his own feelings?

Maybe this is judgmental of me but i cant help but think about it...

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